(っ◔◡◔)っ ♥ personal Value dictionary ♥

You are welcome to share your thoughts and feelings about other things going on in your life.

Only if you want to share ofc! Just that, there is no leave it at the door policy.

Expecting u 2 b a person, so feel free to b urself. Or whoever you are, as you go through being-ness.

Always feel free to say 【No】

Sometimes, I want things to happen. But they don't have to. Please say no, set some boundaries, whatever makes you feel comfortable!

Its important to me that we all feel comfy and cute in our relations. And often, I don't know others don't feel that way unless they say it out loud. Please say no, or change the direction of conversations/ideas, etc, whenever you want!

Quite Genuinely. I cannot read minds.

And on the occasions I have tried, or have assumed I could, I am usually proven wrong.

Please just tell me what you want, or what you are thinking / hoping for. We can talk it out!! And like, prevent misunderstandings!!

​🇹​​🇦​​🇰​​🇪​ ​🇼​​🇭​​🇦​​🇹​ ​🇾​​🇴​​🇺​ ​🇳​​🇪​​🇪​​🇩​

I enjoy sharing what I know. Usually, I've learnt things through a mix of personal, professional, academic experiences. But there's a really good chance that what I have learnt might not work for you, or even match up with your experiences or expectations.

That's ok!

Take what u need :)) Change things as you see fit, etc.

💭 tbh, I might enjoy a credit, or source link if its from a work product, but otherwise go nuts

As in, Is this the most loving decision?

There are so many complicated structures we live under. Whether it's capitalism's requirement for us to work to survive, or our body's requirement for nourishment. There's a lot to parse.I try to think about things from the context of love.

In community, I ask: Is the work we are doing truly loving and respecting those we serve? In my relations, I ask: Are we feeling supported and cared for in the way we are functioning together?

With my cat, I often ask: Am I respecting their need for Autonomy, Connection and Nourishment?

Love is a bit of an abstract concept, but I find it makes a lot of decisions clearer when we (I?) use love as the compass. For me, to love means to respect autonomy, to have access to resources, to feel empowered in our relationships to ourselves, each other, and to the structures of knowledge we live under.


I often use phrases to invite communication with new places and people. I wanted to keep a library of them, so if the way I am 'being' feels abstract, I can either pull this up, or send to folks.

It's supposed to support accessibility. Life is tough enough, hopefully this will make new relationships easier to work with.

I'm neurodivergent lol. And. While accessing diagnosis, resources etc is difficult, I'm hoping this self-help tool will make my life & relationships easier.